DVD, Todd Bender, “Shot Analysis for Skeet” Theories of Coaching



This presentation compliments Todd Bender’s current and best selling series of DVDs on skeet shooting. The first DVDs in the series were instructional in nature. This DVD takes the next step, giving the viewer direction in how to self-diagnose their game. We start by looking at a methodology of how to analyze shots, make assessments, and take the appropriate action. This DVD will improve your ability to recognize and solve problems in your game and for others. Learn the how’s and why’s of particular mistakes, and how to correct them. We then finish our discussion with an overview of coaching and how to pass good information on to others. Todd Bender is the “Coaches’ Coach”. He has taught clay target shooting worldwide for over 25 years. Todd was the first Master Instructor for the National Skeet Shooting Association, is a certified coach by England’s Clay Pigeon Shooting Association, and is an Honorary Fellow in England’s Institute of Clay Shooting Instructors.

DVD, Todd Bender, Shot Analysis for Skeet Theories of Coaching

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